People who are thinking of ordering a DNA test frequently require information in order to help them in their decision. In order to help you in this process we have provided you with a list of websites that we feel contain information that is relevant and concise. You may also contact us if you would like to obtain further information from our technical staff. Please note that we do not have any commercial interests in the associations and organizations below.
Dads on Air –
Dads On The Air is the most successful community radio program in Australia. It is archived by the National Library of Australia and for researchers represents the most extensive collection of information on the push for family law and child support reform in Australia. It also documents the history of the fatherhood movement in Australia and internationally and provides a fascinating insight into mainstream society’s shifting attitudes towards fathers and fatherhood.

Dad’s Uni strengthening the next generation –
Dads Uni is a free website dedicated to training and equipping father throughout our nation in one of the most fulfilling, yet challenging areas of the lives of men. The teaching ministry is based in Brisbane and is developing parenting courses, seminars and conferences for fathers and fathers to be, to assist them in raising their children.

Family court Familycourt

The Family Court is a superior court of record established by Parliament in 1975 under Chapter 3 of the Constitution and deals with more complex matters. These may include:

  • Parenting cases including those that involve a child welfare agency and/or allegations of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse of a child (Magellan cases), family violence and/or mental health issues with other complexities, multiple parties, complex cases where orders sought having the effect of preventing a parent from communicating with or spending time with a child, multiple expert witnesses, complex questions of law and/or special jurisdictional issues, international child abduction under the Hague Convention, special medical procedures and international relocation.
  • Financial cases that involve multiple parties, valuation of complex interests in trusts or corporate structures, including minority interests, multiple expert witnesses, complex questions of law and/or jurisdictional issues (including accrued jurisdiction) or complex issues concerning superannuation (such as complex valuations of defined benefit superannuation schemes).

Take it over mens line Australia –
MensLine Australia is the national telephone support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is staffed by paid professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues. MensLine Australia is managed by Crisis Support Services, a not-for-profit community based organisation with over 45 years experience in telephone counselling services.

Contact us if your website is relevant to our paternity test business and would like to add your link here.